Thursday, October 14, 2010

Journal Entry 4

Day 25

Today has been relatively calm, interspersed with a few calls here and there from the people outside the main village. I decided it was time to start researching a bit more about this place and its interesting population, despite my reservations and what my instinct is trying to say. Maybe luck will be with me?

I asked a few people around inner village about whether or not they had heard of a play that had originated from a place not of this island. Their response was in the negative. It seems that there is a buffer of sorts between this village and the outside world.  A buffer in which I seemed to have penetrated by luck. Upon showing them a picture of one of the characters in the play, the villagers started comparing the likeness of the character to one of their own. This seems to have brightened their day considerably. I wonder...if i brought more of the outside world into this place, would it be welcomed? It also begs the question, should one try to change something so, in a sense, pure?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Journal Entry 1-3

This journal is starting out from the 23rd day of this place and will be starting with entries 1-3 since I started the journal before I started this.

Journal Entry 1:

Day 22 and allllllll is quiet...

Journal Entry 2 : (makes me want to say: "Captain's Log; Star date 145254")

Day 23 - 5 minutes late.  Received a few odd looks. The locals seem to be unsettled, but they mostly keep to themselves. The only things I hear from them are murmurs through the crevice of the door. They seem to be planning something, but what, I don't know.

Journal Entry 3:

Day 24 - I was early today and it's shaping out to be a better day. Yesterday, the entire day felt like it was late. Every time I looked at the sun, it seemed to be taking quite a while for it to disappear into the trees of the jungle.

The odd looks seems to have disappeared. I don't know if I should be worried because that means the plan has either been put in motion or it was just a figment of my own imagination. I would much prefer the latter. The chief of the village has approached me several times since the beginning and offered her help with a smile each time, but when I was duplicating some writings today and she came in and heated up her daily cup of gruel, there was a lack of warmth and feeling. No eye contact was made. I'm starting to believe that my instincts might be correct. Something might be going on, but by the time I find out what, it might be too late.